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Dr. FENG Jing received her Ph.D. degree in public finance from Renmin University, and conducted her post-doctoral research at RIFS, Ministry of Finance, P. R. China. Now as an assistant research fellow at IFTE, CASS, her research interests are in the areas of local debt risks, government budget, food security and tax policy, etc. Dr. Feng has been the team leader of several research projects delegated by IFTE, CASS, the Ministry of Public Security, and the State Administration of Grain. She also participated in nearly 20 projects funded by the Asian Development Bank, AusAID, the Ministry of Finance, and the National Foundation of Social Sciences, etc. In 2008 and 2009, Dr. Feng was awarded the Excellent Youth by the IFTE. She also won the third place of the Excellent Achievement Award from the NDRC in 2010, the Outstanding Youth Fund Award from the IFTE in 2009, and some other prizes.

Email: fengjing@cass.org.cn; rucfengjing@yahoo.com.cn; Tel: 86-10-85196162(0)





