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Americans Focus on Jobs as Best Way to Improve U.S. Economy

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Americans Focus on Jobs as Best Way to Improve U.S. Economy
Asked to name the most important thing that could be done to improve the U.S. economy, more than one in four Americans (28%) suggest creating more or better jobs, along with another 9% who would reduce the outsourcing of jobs. Americans also suggest decreasing taxes (11%), improving the government (8%), or balancing the government's budget (7%) as ways to improve the economy.

There is no shortage of opinions on this topic. All but 7% of those interviewed in the July 9-12 Gallup poll were able to come up with a suggestion for improving the economy. While roughly a quarter of the responses were spread out across a variety of topics, each mentioned by no more than 3% of Americans, the employment situation in the U.S. was clearly the most prevalent thought. This is consistent with the finding that unemployment and the economy are the most important problems facing the country.

It is not clear exactly how those respondents who said "jobs" would recommend going about creating new or better jobs, but the prevalence of this response category underscores Americans' conviction that jobs are the key to an improved economy.

A number of the other response categories involve actions that could be taken by the government, including decreasing taxes, balancing the budget, offering small business incentives, increasing economic stimulus spending, increasing the minimum wage, ending wars, controlling illegal immigration, and improving foreign relations. Another 8% suggested improvements in the way government operates, while another 3% said that electing a new president would be the best way to improve the economy.

Notable by their absence were mentions of entrepreneurship or starting new companies as the best way to improve the economy, along with virtually any mention of increasing taxes on the rich or wealthy.

There are not highly significant differences in the suggestions offered by Democrats, independents, and Republicans. At least one-quarter of each partisan group suggested that the best way to improve the economy is by creating new or better jobs. Republicans are more likely than Democrats to mention tax cuts and, in particular, to mention balancing the budget.


Americans overwhelmingly specify economic issues when asked to name the most important problem facing the country, and when asked what should be done to improve the economy, most respondents most often mention jobs. This focus on jobs as the cornerstone of efforts to improve the economy helps explain why both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney focus so much on jobs and employment in their speeches and as part of their campaign rhetoric in this presidential election year. Of course, the tactical way in which one goes about creating new jobs is at the center of the differences in two campaigns.

Voters' perceptions of which candidate has the better plan and greater ability to improve the economy in general, and in particular to create jobs, will be a crucial factor in their decision as to who will serve the presidential term starting next January.
From: http://www.gallup.com
Updated: July 19, 2012