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Xia Xianliang: The Global Environment of China’s International Economic and Trade Cooperation and China’s Countermeasures.

发表于 cjyyzb1

Abstract: The American financial crisis caused by the structural imbalance between the domestic production and consumption and between real economy and virtual economy has revealed the inherent deficiencies of the current international monetary system and the improper management of the international financial system, resulting in that the dominant status of US dollar has been challenged and the risk of long-term depreciation of US dollar has thus increased. These, on one hand, have imposed a gravely adverse influence on China’s macro economy and international trade, but on the other hand, have sped up China’s pace to internationalize RMB. In light of the complicated economic and trade relations between China and the other three large economies, the USA, the European Union and Japan, there is a demand for efficient communication and discussion with the mechanism of bilateral strategic economic talk, which will effectively address the issues concerning long-term and strategic development on both sides, and alleviate any misunderstandings and barriers. China needs to take into elaborate consideration the economic and trade development among large economies from both the perspectives of strategy and tactic in response to any potential conflict, risk or threat. China has long been overly dependent on the EU, the USA and Japan on export. The global financial crisis has brought many opportunities as well as challenges on China’s diversification of export market, which demands China to respond actively. As for Chinese enterprises, they should carry forward the Go Out policy and make it function to integrate and coordinate with the major development of international trade.