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Dr. YI Shaohua Yi, associate research fellow, joined IFTE in 2002 after obtaining her Ph. D degree from Graduate School of CASS. Her research interests are focused on issues in tourism management and tourism policy, particularly topics related to sustainable tourism, tourist attraction management, and tourism and public sectors. Dr.Yi has published two monographs on tourism enterprise investment and diversification, and she also has published extensively in leading economics and tourism journals, including the Journal of Finance and Trade Economics, Journal of Economic Management, Tourism Tribute and so on. She won four research awards, including Academy-level Outstanding Articles, Institute-level Outstanding Researches. She has still got Ford Foundation grant and now works as a visiting associate professor in Cornell University to make a comparative research on sustainable development of ethnic tourism (2010-2011).

E-mail: yishaohua@yahoo.com.cn; Tel: 86-10-68047503




