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Dr. SONG Rui, with Ph.D degree in industrial economics, has devoted most of her research interests in two fields: 1) leisure development, in terms of consumption behavior, related public policy and industry supply; 2) sustainable development of tourism, in particular ecotourism and heritage tourism.


Dr. Song works as associate research fellow in IFTE, CASS, where she won the Director Reward in 2007. She also spent four years in Chinese Academy of Sciences as a post-doctoral fellow to broaden her knowledge in human geography. Presently, Dr. Song takes some academically important positions, such as General Secretary of TourismResearchCenter, CASS, Editor-in-Chief of the well-reputed China Tourism Green Book, Editor-in-Chief of China Leisure Green Book, and Peer Reviewer of Journal of Sustainable Tourism and so on.


During the last decade, Dr. Song has led more than 10 academic research projects funded by National Foundation of Social Sciences, CASS, China National Tourism Administration, China Development Bank respectively, as well as participated as a key member in some 20 research projects funded by EU-China Program, Asian Development Bank, WWF and other organizations. Her publications include books,  monographs, academic articles in leading journals both in Chinese and English, translation, public policy suggestions, and consulting reports.


Email:songrui@cass.org.cn,prettysunny@126.com; Tel: 86-10-68047503 (o);


M.P: 86-10-13910329960;





