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Dr. LIU Yanping, with Ph.D degree in Business Management, has devoted most of his research interests in city marketing/ branding, urban governance. Dr. Liu works as assistant research fellow in IFTE, CASS. He also spent two years in Chinese Academy of Sciences as a post-doctoral fellow to broaden his knowledge in city finance. During 2009-2010, he visited the University of Minnesota, US as a visiting scholar. Dr. Liu has led 6 academic research projects funded by CASS, IFTE and some local governments, as well as participated as a key member in some 10 research projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), National Social Science Funds (NSSF), World Bank, etc. Since 2009, Dr. Liu is holding the position of editor-in-chief of China City Marketing Development Report(Biennially).
Email:;M.P: 86-10-13801209159; Tel: 86-10-68027438 (o)
Email:;M.P: 86-10-13801209159; Tel: 86-10-68027438 (o)