Abstract:Inflation expectations of different groups have heterogeneous characteristics, and clarifying characteristics of the information stickiness and updating frequency is the important foundation of a forward-looking monetary policy.Using survey data of inflation expectations of households and professionals in China from Quarter 1 of 2001 to Quarter 4 of 2014, this paper investigates the information stickiness and updating frequency of these two representative groups with augmented Carrolls epidemiological model.The results are as follows:(1)unlike the usual hypothesis of one-way influence, expectations of households interact with those of professionals; (2) while expectations of households are proved to be information sticky, expectations of professionals are not; (3)in each quarter, nearly one-third of households update their expectations, while all professionals update information every quarter.
Key words: Inflation Expectations Epidemiological Model Households Expectations Professionals Expectations
source:Finance & Trade Economics ,No.10,2015