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LIU Huifang:A Game Analysis of the Domestic Stakeholders on the Management of China’s Rare Earth Resources

发表于 baijinlan
Abstract: In the production and trade of the rare earth, the interest goals of Chinese corporations are not completely consistent with the state’s interests. Therefore, there is a consequential course of repeated games in the government-corporation and among Chinese rare earth corporations, which is critical to the development of China’s rare earth industry. This paper constructs a dynamic game model of perfect information to analyze the government-business game. Meanwhile, it constructs a strategic game model to analyze the game in rare earth companies of China. Based on the strategic choices of stakeholders seeking for benefits maximization of their own as well as the consequent game result analysis, the author puts forward the suggestions of government management policy for the optimal allocation of rare earth mineral resources of China.

Keywords: Rare Earth, Game Analysis, Resource Management

source:Finance & Trade Economics ,No.1,2013