Abstract: Urbanization has great significance for China’s economic and social development, but the traditional model of urbanization is unsustainable. This paper details the basic model of new urbanization after analyzing briefly the requirements for implementing new urbanization. The basic model of new urbanization is, with the scientific viewpoint of development as the guiding principle, to insist on comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development in building urban China. Urbanization of the population is the key content. Information, agricultural industrialization and new industrialization are the driving forces. Productivity-induced economic growth is the development method. Government guidance and the market are guarantee mechanisms. The article lays out eight specific ways of integrating an integrated rural and urban China. It also proposes four basic responses to advance new urbanization: drawing up strategy and planning, providing infrastructure and public services, strengthening supervision and management, and improving institutions and policies.
Keywords: New urbanization, Development model, Development way
Source: China Finance and Economic Review, Volume 2, No.1, 2013
About the Author: Ni Pengfei is a professor of economics and has a Ph.D in economics. He is working as research fellow and doctoral supervisor, director of the Center for City and Competitiveness and Prexy’ Assistant of National Academy of Economic Strategy at CASS. He is the vice secretary-general of the Chinese Society for Urban Studies at the Chinese Urban Development Academy and general secretary of the “Global Urban Competitiveness Report”, chief editor of the “Chinese Urban Competitiveness Report”, and chief editor of the “Global Urban Competitiveness Report.” He specializes in theoretical and demonstrative studies on urban economy, urban competitiveness and real estate. He received the Sun Yefang Economy Prize,the highest award in economics in China, in 2005. He has published more than ten academic books and published dozens of papers both at home and abroad.
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Ni Pengfei: The Goal, Path, and Policy Responses of China’s New Urbanization
2013-04-12 02:44