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Cross-Straits trade totals $554.27b

发表于 lvfengyong
BEIJING - Trade between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan grew to $554.27 billion in October from December 2008 when the two sides opened direct mail, transport and trade links, the latest customs figures have shown.

During the period, the Chinese mainland's imports from Taiwan totaled $438.4 billion, while its exports to Taiwan reached $115.87 billion, figures from the General Administration of Customs showed.

The Chinese mainland approved 87,000 Taiwan-funded programs and received $56.53 billion in Taiwan investments from December 2008 to October 2012, the figures showed.

In the same period, 133 enterprises from the Chinese mainland set up subsidiaries or offices in Taiwan, with total investment reaching $722 millio

Source:http://www.chinadaily.com.cn, December 17, 2012