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Song Rui:World Model Cities for Leisure Development

发表于 songrui

World Model Cities for Leisure Development

I. Introduction
        Leisure in modern society comes into being along with urbanized life: on the one hand, urbanization makes it possible for leisure services of scale to take place; on the other hand, the pressure and boringness derived from urban life make socialized leisure activities a must. Cities are the places where leisure activities are supplied and demanded and it serves as the basic function of the cities to fulfill the needs for leisure activities of different groups of people living in the cities.
        In recent years, leisure development of city has drawn attention by Chinese researchers. In our opinion, academic researches on the city’s leisure development should go well beyond the general ranking of cities which is currently dominated to more profound aspects, such as how to evaluate the developing level of a city’s leisure industry in a scientific manner; how to summarize experiences on leisure development from the practices of cities endowed with different natural resource and cultural feature. What we need to do is to sum up experiences and find regularity as well as learn from and complement one another so as to make innovations.
        Tourism Research Centre of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) has, on the basis of adequate communications with Hangzhou municipal government, conducted researches on different patterns of leisure development in the cities around the globe, aiming to promote the leisure development as well as to deepen the academic researches on this field.
        This research combines objective and subjective evaluation as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis. Fifteen experts conducted researches on 50 cities with 1300 original data, and based on 7 standards and 3 criteria, they finally selected ten model cities for leisure development in the globe.
       In order to select the most representative cities among so many cities in the world, we build an index system which includes 3 primary indexes, 9 secondary indexes and 18 tertiary indexes. Based on this system, we evaluate the 50 sample cities preliminarily and then make the selection.
II. Criteria
        In our opinion, global model cities in leisure development are cities those can make full use of its natural, historical and cultural resources to satisfy people’s leisure needs, including daily leisure activities of local people as well as the needs of tourists and holiday travelers; and the government, market and the public cooperate to provide diversified leisure facilities and services; globally famous brand as leisure cities are built;  and people’s living standards and social development are advanced consequently.
The standards are following:
        Firstly, the city should be able to scientifically protect and rationally utilize its natural environment, regardless seashores, lakes and rivers, deserts and swamps, to prompt leisure development. The utilization of advantages or avoidance of its weakness will greatly facilitate leisure development.
        Secondly, the city should have unique and special culture features which could be used for leisure development. Cultural traditions of the city could not only serve as the base for the local leisure development but could also lead other areas in their leisure developments.
       Thirdly, the city should provide comprehensive leisure functions with a rationally and reasonably planned leisure space and set of public leisure facilities. It should be able to satisfy the local citizens’ needs for daily leisure activities as well as appeals visitors.
       Fourthly, the leisure industry of the city should be well developed, consisting of a complete variety of well positioned and operated commercial leisure facilities which provide top class services; the public leisure facilities, commercial leisure industry should be well complemented with each other.
       Fifthly, leisure activities should be in a full variety so as to fulfill both the tourists’ and local citizens’ needs. It should be able to serve both the purposes, combine them without frictions and make sure that both demands promote but not hinder one another.
       Sixthly, unique features must be highlighted during the brand building of a city and be widely acknowledged and accepted by all related bodies including the international community, target customers, relevant industries and local people.
       Last, the city should be innovative in fields of business operation, leading the development of leisure and serving as a model for other regions.
III. Ten World Model Cities for Leisure Development
Cape Town:a Inclusive and Fashionable Rainbow City of South Africa
        This city is located on a narrow strip to the north of Cape of Good Hope where the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean meet. Although it is in Africa, it boasts various kinds of European cultures. And in spite of the fact that its economy is not quite strong with its per capita GDP less than $10,000, it is a good place both for living and traveling with both residents and tourists enjoying themselves. This is Cape Town, “city of rainbow” in South Africa which is inclusive and fashionable.
        According to this research, the leisure development index of the city is 0.177, with economic index for leisure development being 0.019, the environment index for leisure development 0.192 and leisure administration index 0.319.
Dubai:A Newly Emerging Perfection-Pursuing City
       In this city, you could see desert as well as seawater; here modernity and tradition coexist harmoniously, so do luxury and simplicity; you will find astonishing hotels, indoor skiing sites, shopping malls and feel strong Arabic flavor. It is the newly emerging perfection-pursuing city in leisure development, Dubai.
        Our research shows the leisure development index is 0.442, with economic index for leisure development being 0.475, environmental index for leisure development 0.310 and administrative index for leisure development 0.540.
Hangzhou:Oriental Leisure Capital of Quality and Innovation Pursued
       It is a city with a history of 2200 years. Its landscape is unique with the West Lake surrounded by hills in its southeast, southwest and northwest while facing downtown area in the northeast. With a humanistic tradition which is elegant, leisure and comfortable, the city displays the wit and charms of oriental leisure life with various folk handicrafts and skills, folk residence and delicately and harmoniously positioned taverns and restaurants and teahouses among the natural landscapes. With its per capita of GDP just surpassing $10,000 not long ago, it boasts no strong economy. However, with innovative mentality and approaches and concentrating on improving life quality, it has not only built itself into a leisure city, but also transformed the building of a leisure city to an all-round social construction. It is the oriental leisure capital pursuing quality and innovation—Hangzhou.
       According to this research, the leisure development index of Hangzhou is 0.387, among which economic index for leisure development accounts for 0.400, environmental index for leisure development 0.431 and administrative index for leisure development 0.330.
Helsinki: A Quiet and Modest City for Ordinary People
       It is one of the most affluent capitals in Europe, but people here lead their life in quite low profile. Displaying the national characteristics of sisu, people on this cold and bleak land have managed to get economically prosperous and regard themselves as the happiest in the world. Located near the Arctic Circle and the sea coast, this city is beautiful but not garish, clean and peaceful but not boring, ancient but not fusty, modern but not aggressive: with all its unique charms, it is a good place for both living and sightseeing. This is the quiet and modest city for ordinary people, capital of Finland—Helsinki.
       According to our research findings, the leisure development index is 0.673, among which economic index for leisure development accounts for 0.850, environmental index for leisure development 0.635 and administrative index for leisure development 0.534. It boasts a highly developed economy and complete policies and public facilities for leisure activities.
Nice: an Romantic and Charming Mediterranean City
       Located on the coast of Mediterranean sea, this city is surrounded by mountains and oceans. It boasts 3 national parks, 5 regional natural forest parks, 135 ports for recreational travel, 66 golf courses and 68 ski resorts. As the name of this city has indicated, it is a nice place and among cites that best embody French characteristics. It is Nice, the romantic and charming Mediterranean city in France.
       According to the results of this research, the leisure development index of Nice is 0.694, with the economic index for leisure development being 0.658, the environmental index for leisure development 0.726 and the administrative index for leisure development 0.697. Its uniqueness lies in the sound development environment and high administrative capability of leisure.
Orlando: A City of Innovation and Happiness with American Style
       In 1857, this city accommodated only 85 residents; at the beginning of twentieth century, it was named as “a city of orange peels”; in the late 1950s, it won the favor of space and defense industries. It was not until 1971, when the Walt Disney World was finally built up, that this city began to take on a brand-new look and develop towards a new direction. This is Orlando, a city of innovation and happiness with American style.
       According to the results of this research, the leisure development index is 0.586, with the economic index for leisure development being 0.279, environmental index for leisure development 0.764 and the administrative index for leisure development 0.716.
Rio De Janeiro: A Unique City with South American Features
       This place was first visited in January 1502 by a Portuguese explorer who named the city “River of January”, a name still in use today. Located in the southern hemisphere, it has become the paradise where tourists of the northern hemisphere come to enjoy the opposite seasons. The mild weather, mellow beaches, fresh air and rich cultures also attract natives from other parts of the country. This city features natural integration of delicate city buildings with appealing beaches and mountains, fascinating samba, football, carnivals and colorful night life. This is Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a city of uniqueness with features of South America.
        According to the results of this research, the leisure development index is 0.270, with the economic index for leisure development being 0.182, environmental index for leisure development 0.255 and the administrative index for leisure development 0.373. Its major uniqueness lies in giving full play to the traditional culture and popular culture to develop its leisure supply.
Seville: A Carefree and Slow City in South Europe
       It’s a city of water; water brings unparalleled prosperity and elegance to this city. During the colonized period, it was the only port permitted to have the access to navigation with cities of the New World, the fortune of the latter gave rise to the grace of the city. The well-known native language “la siesta” means afternoon nap, fully reflecting the relaxed South European life style. Football, on the other hand, reflects its passion and enthusiasm. This is Seville, the fourth largest city in Spain and a carefree and slow city in South Europe. 

       According to the results of this research, the leisure development index is 0.631, with the economic index for leisure development being 0.640, environmental index for leisure development 0.689 and the administrative index for leisure development 0.563. Its major uniqueness lies in the unique leisure culture and full utilization of it.
Singapore: A Garden City with Advanced and Wise Administration
       As a city-state, this place is termed as “a city built in the garden”. Although the city is featured with numerous skyscrapers and rapid pace of life, people there can still find a piece of serenity. This is Singapore, a city suitable for living, working and traveling.
       According to the results of this research, the leisure development index is 0.789, with the economic index for leisure development being 0.515, environmental index for leisure development 0.852 and the administrative index for leisure development 1.000. Its major superiority lies in high leisure administration ability and favorable leisure development environment.
Vienna: An Elegant and Comfortable City of European Style
       Crowned as “the goodness of the Danube”, “City of Music”, “City of Culture”, and “City of Architecture”, city with the highest quality of life and the cleanest city, to name just a few, this city enjoys the reputation that it has not deliberately sought after. The pursuit of elegance and leisure has been deeply rooted in the minds of local residents and been passed on from generations to generations. They are fond of nature, lay stress on environment, sports and leisure, and attach great importance to artistic engagement and quality of life. Leisure has been part of their livelihood, or rather, part of their life. This is Vienna, capital of Austria, an elegant and comfortable city of European style. 
       According to the results of this research, the leisure development index is 0.876, with the economic index for leisure development being 0.946, environmental index for leisure development 1.000 and the administrative index for leisure development 0.683, all indexes being in the lead in the leisure cities. The most distinguishing feature of Vienna lies in the high level of economic development and favorable leisure development environment.
 IV. Conclusion and Disscussion
      Based on the analysis of the above-mentioned models cities, the conclusion can be drawn in the following aspects.
      Firstly, great importance should be attached to human values and human development in the course of urban development. Equal and convenient access to leisure for local residents, tourists and all social groups should be ensured and the improvement of the quality of life should be focused on. All these are the inherent mission of urban development.
      Secondly, it is admitted that hardware facilities and industry scale are important parameters in the measurement of the degree of leisure development, but greater importance should be attached to the mental and spiritual life. The bolstering of happiness in the conceptual and cultural perspectives can help people to enjoy leisure of their own styles more willingly and capably.
      Thirdly, the government and the market should perform their own functions in the course of leisure development. The relationship between the visible hand and invisible hand should be handled scientifically and the development of both the public leisure facilities and the service and commercial leisure facilities should be properly coordinated.
      Fourthly, there is no denying that, leisure is closely linked to economy. However, leisure development is far from an easy economic affair. It is a process of social institution, involving cultural customs, national personality, government administration, social system, economic system, city planning and many other aspects.
      Fifthly, regardless of their conditions at the beginning, cities of high degree of leisure development will mostly rely on comprehensive support. That is to say, the city will at the same time give play to resources, markets, government and the society so that the diversified and all-dimensional leisure industry will take shape and the leisure atmosphere will be pervasive.
      Sixthly, due to the uniqueness of each city, there are neither unified standards nor patterns used universally regarding leisure as a way to display urban life style. However, similar cities can learn from one another. 
      Seventhly, the leisure development pattern of Hangzhou gives full expression to the positive interactions between leisure development and urban development, representing the new direction of urban leisure construction in the emerging developing countries and it set a good example for many other cities.
