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"Blue Book of Trade: Chnia Trade Development Report (2012)"

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Editor-in-chief: Jing Linbo
associate managing editor: Tang Jing, Li Rui, Feng Yongsheng, Zhang Ning
Publisher: Social Sciences Academic Press


In the process of economic globalization and trade liberalization, world trade continues with a rapid growth and raises constant friction between the trade partners. In recent years, China is experiencing more than ever trade frictions and barriers. Especially foreign anti-dumping against Chinese products are the most serious cases of which developing countries antidumping against Chinese products is more prominent. At the same time, foreign trade barriers continue to be refurbished, which is extended to trade in services from trade in goods related to the use of foreign capital and foreign investment policy and intellectual property protection, etc. A variety of technical barriers to trade have also become an obstacle to affect China's exports.

As to the difficulties faced in the development of China's foreign trade, the Ministry of Commerce of China in the foreign trade development "12th Five-Year Plan", in particular pointed out that: during period the " l2th Five-Year " , the development of foreign trade should be coordination equilibrium, step by step, base on the mutual benefit and win-win principles continue to improve the foreign trade management system and policies, foreign financial, tax and financial policies, the foreign trade legal system, to strengthen countermeasure to trade friction, and multilateral and bilateral economic and trade cooperation, to improve the level of foreign trade facilitation, and in a steady growth situation to optimize foreign trade structure, promote trade facilitation balance , and to achieve the sustainable development of foreign trade.

National Academy of Economic Strategy, CASS releases " China Trade Development Report (2012)”, aimed at deep analysis on the problem of economic and trade friction in the development of china's foreign trade, with a view to provide significant reference to the decision-making by the relevant department for guiding and coordinating enterprises in a rapid and healthy development of import and export trade. Thus, this report made an in-depth study on China's trade friction, the causes and the future development trend, and selected mechanical and electrical products trade and the rare earth export trade as study object to analysis the industry-specific economic and trade frictions, which put forward a comprehensive strategies and countermeasure on the various types of trade friction- This study gives us a rational understanding of frequent trade friction that includes not only external causes, but also internal reasons, rather than simply attributing to political reasons or ideological differences. Therefore, it is with a special significance to consider how to make countermeasures from the macroeconomic level, especially adjust trade policies and strategies in a timely manner according to the changing situation of international and domestic economic development

'We believe that the “12th Five-Year" period or even longer period of time (2011 -2020) will be an important historical period for China from a big trade nation to a powerful trade nation. China must take the appropriate choice on foreign trade development strategy, and formulate the right trade strategies and measures. To sum up, the strategic focus is to actively promote the "four conversions, one breakthrough", which is to convert the form structure of foreign trade, in the way of implementation of trade in goods and services trade in a balanced and coordinated development; to convert the commodity structure of foreign trade, in the way of implementation of processing trade transformation and upgrading; to convert the regional structure of foreign trade, in the way of implementation of foreign trade diversion strategy; to convert the payments structure of foreign trade balance, in the way of implementation of coordinated development of import and export trade strategy; to " mainly bilateral , multilateral supplemented" by free trade area strategy as a breakthrough ' in the way of implementation of mutually beneficial foreign trade strategy, which all is of a significant effective and realistic reference value.